Sunila Supavadeeprasit
Clinical Psychologist
Age groups - Adults, Adolescents (16+)
Days - Monday, Tuesday
My venture into becoming a psychologist was born out of my deep interest in the human condition and the pathways people take while making life choices. In my therapeutic approach, I seek to deeply understand the person as well as the context in which their issues arise. I am interested in their needs and goals as well as understanding the unconscious drivers and motivations for change.
I focus on helping people identify the emotional roots of their psychological issues through a process of compassionate inquiry. I work collaboratively to understand and develop insight into healthy and unhealthy coping styles. This process involves creating a safe environment where trust can be developed for the expression of self-awareness and self-knowledge. This allows for a better understanding of how people see themselves, their relationships and the world around them.
The human condition is multifaceted and I use a variety of treatment approaches which include:
Attachment-based & Psychodynamic therapies
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
The main issues I work with include depression, anxiety, stress, grief & loss, anger management, family conflict, self-esteem, relationships, trauma recovery from post-traumatic stress, developmental and complex trauma.
I have worked with people from a diverse range of backgrounds and I am grateful to them for teaching me that human suffering and pain are non-discriminating.