ADHD Assessments
We provide ADHD assessments for children (5+), adolescents and adults.
The assessment is a detailed and comprehensive process that allows the psychologist to draw confident conclusions about whether an individual meets criteria for an ADHD diagnosis. The assessment aims to give you a deeper understanding of any areas of difficulty in different contexts of your life; such as at home, work, study and relationships. It can also help with deciding on options that might assist with these difficulties, as well as identify your strengths and resources.
The assessment process is multi-stage and in-depth:
Initial interview + one-page summary report
50-minute appointment to gather important information, provide initial impressions and determine suitability for a comprehensive ADHD assessment. You have the choice whether to continue with a full assessment after receiving your one-page summary and quote.
Psychological testing and clinical interviews
Provides detailed understanding on how behavioural and cognitive functioning map onto ADHD diagnostic criteria.
Report writing
Analysis of psychological test results and clinical interviews to inform a comprehensive ADHD assessment report.
Post assessment consultation (optional)
Optional follow-up appointment with the psychologist to discuss assessment findings, recommendations and treatment options in further detail.
Contact us for further information, or to ask about assessment fees. No Medicare rebates are available for our ADHD assessments. Some private health funds cover aspects of an assessment. Please check with your health fund.
After the assessment, if you decide to continue with psychological treatment for ADHD, you can get a referral from a doctor to access Medicare rebates.
Please note that psychologists cannot prescribe medication. If you would like to consider medication as a treatment option for ADHD, consider seeing a psychiatrist for your diagnosis. Some psychiatrists do not accept previous diagnoses by a psychologist and may ask you to redo the assessment with them.